Starting today, November 4th and running until December 23rd, every Friday, UiTR will be posting a brief description of one of the eight papers being presented by UiTR lab members in Washington D.C. between January 8-12 2023. If any of the papers interest you please research out to the author(s) or UiTR, or visit the presentations during the Annual TRB meeting in Washington D.C. Lots of hard work went into each paper over the last year.
Title of Paper: “Are Telecommuters and Non-Telecommuters’ Daily Time-use Behavior Different? An Episode-Level Model for Non-mandatory Activities”
Authors: Khaddar, S., Nikodym, T., & Fatmi, M.
Description: Given the widespread adoption of telecommuting, it is important to understand whether telecommuters daily time use behavior is different than non-telecommuters. In this line of investigation, this study uses a multiple discrete continuous extreme value model with ordered preferences to analyze the daily activity time use patterns at an disaggregate episode level of these two worker profiles. The results confirm that significant differences exist between the two worker groups. Telecommuters are more likely to engage in higher episodes of non-mandatory activities, compared to non-telecommuters. In many cases, they engage in these activities for longer durations.
Presentation Location: Hall A, Convention Center
Presentation Time: January 9th 2023, 3:45PM-5:30PM EST
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