Seminar Series

Transportation and Climate Action Seminar Series

Dr. Andrea Craig

Date: July 12th 2023

Subject: Commute Mode and Residential Location Choice

Public transportation infrastructure projects are major government investments that potentially affect not only travel mode choices but residential locations. To analyze the impacts of public transportation projects, accounting for households’ residential location decisions, I develop a discrete choice model of commute mode and residential location. I estimate this model using microdata from Vancouver and commute times calculated with GIS. Using the estimated model, I simulate households’ decisions under a proposed public transportation infrastructure project.

Dr. Andrea Craig is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science at UBC Okanagan. She completed her Ph.D. in Economics at Queen’s University, focusing on residential location and commute mode choice.

Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi

Date: June 21st 2023

Subject: Simulator for Transportation, Energy, and Land Use for Regional System (STELARS): An Agent-based Model

Mahmudur Fatmi is an Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering at The University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Okanagan campus. He is the PI of the UBC integrated Transportation Research (UiTR) lab. His research revolves around travel demand modelling with a particular interest in understanding the interactions between transportation and land use, activity-based modelling, and agent-based microsimulation. He received his BSc in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 2011, and his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Dalhousie University in 2017. He joined UBC in 2018.