Published Journal Papers
*Note: For the latest full list of journals’ publications please click here: Google Scholar- Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi
The highly qualified personnel from UBC that are supervised by Dr. Fatmi are bolded.
Refereed Publications, Journals:
- Orvin, M., & Fatmi, M. (2024). Temporal Transferability of the Housing Price Component of an Integrated Land use and Transportation Model. Land Use Policy.
- Khalil, M.A., Fatmi, M. and Orvin M (2024). Developing and Microsimulating Demographic Dynamics for an Integrated Urban Model: A Comparison Between Logistic Regression and Machine Learning Techniques. Transportation. (accepted).
- Khaddar, S., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). A Modeling Telecommuting and Teleshopping Preferences in the Post-Pandemic Era. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board.
- Orvin, M., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). A Residential Location Search Model Based on the Reasons of Moving Out. Transportation Letters.
- Hossain, M. S., Fatmi, M. R., and Chowdhury, S. (2023). COVID-19 and Public Transport in Auckland, New Zealand: Investigating Vulnerable Population Groups’ Ridership Behavior. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
- Khaddar, S., Fatmi, M. R., and Winters, M. (2023). How Daily Activities and Built Environment Affect Health? A Latent Segmentation-based Random Parameter Logit Modeling Approach. Travel Behavior and Society, 33, 100624.
- Khaddar, S., Nikodym, T., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). Are Telecommuters and Non-Telecommuters’ Daily Time-Use Behaviour Different? An Episode Level Model for Non-Mandatory Activities. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board.
- Khalil, M., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). Modeling Daily In-Home Activities using Machine Learning Techniques. Travel Behaviour and Society, 31, 374-385.
- Rahman, N., and Fatmi, M. R. (2022). Population Synthesis Accommodating Heterogeneity: A Bayesian Network and Generalized Raking Technique. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board.
- Khaddar, S., Saxena, S., Fatmi, M. R., and Pinjari, A. R. (2022). An Episode Level Approach to Jointly Model Activity Engagement, Duration and Destination Location. Transportation Letters, 2677(6), 41-57.
- Fatmi, M. R., Orvin, M., and Thirkell, C. E. (2022). The Future of Telecommuting Post COVID-19 Pandemic. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 16, 100685.
- Rahman, M.N. and Fatmi, M.R. (2022). Population Synthesis Accommodating Heterogeneity: A Bayesian Network and Generalized Raking Technique. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board. (In Press)
- Hossain, M.S., Fatmi, M.R., and Thirkell, C. E. (2022). How Will In-person and Online Grocery Shopping and Meal Consumption Activities Evolve Post COVID-19? Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board.
- Khaddar, S., Saxena, S., Fatmi, M., and Pinjari, AR. (2021). An Episode Level Approach to Jointly Model Activity Engagement, Duration and Destination Location. Transportation Letters. .
- Hossain, M., and Fatmi, M. (2022). A Life History-oriented Approach of Modeling Individuals’ Preference towards Different Levels of Vehicle Autonomy: A Random Parameter Rank-ordered Logit Model. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
- Khalil, M.A., and Fatmi, M.R. (2022) How Residential Energy Consumption Has Changed due to COVID-19? An agent-based Model. Sustainable Cities and Society. 103832.
- Hossain, M. S. and Fatmi, M. (2022). Modelling the Adoption of Autonomous Vehicle: How Historical Experience Inform the Future Preference. Travel Behavior and Society. 26, 57-66.
- Saha, B., Fatmi, M.R. & Rahman, M.M. (2022) Modelling injury severity of victims in collisions involving public transit in Dhaka, Bangladesh. International journal of crashworthiness, 28(3), 347-359.
- Hossain, M., Haque, K., and Fatmi, M. (2022). COVID-19: Modeling Out-Of-Home and In-home Activity Participation during the Pandemic. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board. 1-16.
- Saha, B., Fatmi, M. R., & Rahman, M. M. (2021). Modeling Injury Severity of Unconventional Vehicle Occupants: Hybrid of Latent Segments and Random Parameters. Logit Models. Transportation Research Record, 2676(6), 35–47.
- Orvin, M., and Fatmi, M. (2021). Modeling residential mobility decisions from a life history-oriented perspective. Transportation Letters: International Journal of Transportation Research. 1-16.
- Saha, B., Fatmi, M.R. & Rahman, M.M. (2021). Pedestrian Injury Severity in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Latent Segmentation-Based Logit Modeling Approach. Transportation in Developing Economies, 7(23): 1-11.
- Orvin, M., Fatmi, M., and Chowdhury, S. (2021). Taking another look at cycling demand modeling: A comparison between two cities in Canada and New Zealand. Journal of Transport Geography. 97, 103220. https://doi.org10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103220
- Saha, B., & Fatmi, M. R. (2021). Simulating the Impacts of Hybrid Campus and Autonomous Electric Vehicles as GHG Mitigation Strategies: A Case Study for a Mid-Size Canadian Post-Secondary School. Sustainability, 13(22), 12501.
- Orvin, M., Ahmed, D., Fatmi, M., and Lovegrove G. (2021). Developing Multi-Modal Trip Generation Model for Mid-rise Buildings by Assessing the Impact of Built Environment, Land Use, and Neighborhood Characteristics. Journal of Transport and Land Use. 14 (1): 1249-1274.
- Saha, B., Fatmi, M. R., & Rahman, M. M. (2021). Traffic crashes in Dhaka, Bangladesh: analysing crashes involving unconventional modes, pedestrians and public transit. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 28(3), 347-359.
- Orvin, M., Bachhal, J., and Fatmi, M. (2021). Modeling the Demand of Shared E-scooter Services. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board. 1-14. https://doi/10.1177/03611981211051620
- Fatmi, M.R., Thirkell, C., Hossain, S. (2021). COVID-19 and Travel: How Our Out-of-home Travel Activity, In-home Activity, and Long-distance Travel have Changed. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 10, 100350.
- Orvin, M.M., and Fatmi, M.R. (2021). Why individuals choose dockless bike sharing services? Travel Behaviour and Society. 22, 199-206.
- Khaddar, S., and Fatmi, M. R. (2021). COVID-19: Are you satisfied with traveling during the pandemic? Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 9, 100292.
- Fatmi, M.R. (2020). COVID – 19 Impact on Urban Mobility. Journal of Urban Management. 9(3), 270-275.
- Orvin, M.M., and Fatmi, M.R. (2020). Modeling Destination Choice Behavior of the Dockless Bike Sharing Service Users: Assessing Origin-destination Inter-dependency Using Their Built Environment Attributes. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board. 2674(11), 875-887
- Fatmi M.R., Habib M.* (2019). Modeling Vehicle Collision Injury Severity Involving Distracted Driving: Assessing the effects of Land Use and Built Environment. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2673 (7), 181-191. https://doi/10.1177/0361198119849060
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2018). Microsimulation of Vehicle Transactions within a Life-oriented Integrated Urban Modeling System. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 116, 497-512.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2018). Microsimulation of Life-stage Transitions and Residential Location Transitions within a Life-oriented Integrated Urban Modeling System. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 69, 87-103.
- Fatmi, M.R., Chowdhury, S., and Habib, M.A.* (2017). Life History-Oriented Residential Location Choice Model: A Stress-Based Two-Tier Panel Modeling Approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 104, 293-307.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2017). Modelling Mode Switch Associated with the Change of Residential Location. Travel Behaviour and Society, 9, 29-28.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2017). Baseline Synthesis and Microsimulation of Life-stage Transitions within an Agent-based Integrated Urban Model. Procedia Computer Science, 109, 608-315.
- Khan, N.A., Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2017). Type Choice Behavior of Alternative Fuel Vehicles: A Latent Class Model Approach. Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 3303-3317.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2016). Longitudinal Vehicle Transaction Model: Assessment of Lead and Lagged Effects of Longer-Term Changes and Life-cycle Events. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2566(2), 11-21.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2016). Life-Oriented Approach of Modeling of Commute Mode Loyalty and Transition Behavior. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2565(1), 37-47.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2016). Modeling Travel Tool Ownership of the Elderly Population: Latent Segmentation-Based Logit Model. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2565(1), 18-26.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2015). Spatial Transferability of a Micro Residential Mobility Model in the Integrated Land Use, Transportation and Environment Modeling System. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2494(2), 29-36.
- Fatmi, M.R., Habib, M.A.*, and Salloum, S.A. (2014). Modeling Mobility Tool Ownership of Youth in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2413(2), 92-100.
Refereed Publications, Conference Proceedings (Peer-reviewed, Full-paper)
- Orvin, M., Fatmi, M. and Khalil, M. (2024). Microsimulating Residential Relocation Decisions within an Integrated Urban Model and Testing for an Unprecedented Socio-economic Shock. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB)
- Hossain, S., and Fatmi, M. R. (2024). Modeling Households First Vehicle Purchase Timing and Vehicle Type Choices. To be published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 1-11.
- Svendsen, D., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). Examining Perceptions of Autonomous Transit from the Perspective of Multi-Use Path Users. To be published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 1-11.
- Khalil, M., Fatmi, M. R., and Orvin, M., (2023) Modeling and Simulating a Demographic Dynamics Model for an Integrated Urban Model: A Comparison Between Conventional Logistic Regression and Machine Learning Techniques. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 1-11.
- Hewage, U., Fatmi, M. R., and Hossain, S. (2024). Who Uses Shared Mobility Services? To be published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 1-11.
- Svendsen, D., Hewage, U., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). How Do Individuals Travel When Shared Mobility Services Are Unavailable? To be published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 1-11.
- Zakeri, M., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). Modeling Bicyclists’ Route Search and Choice Decisions using Machine Learning and Logit Models. To be published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 1-11.
- Khaddar, S., Varghese, V., Fatmi, M. R., and Chikaraisi, M. (2023) Modeling Non-Work Tours VKT for Telecommuters and Non-Telecommuters: An Endogenous Switching Regression Approach. To be published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 103rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 1-11.
- Khalil, M., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). Microsimulating Population Demographics within an Integrated Urban Model. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-13.
- Khaddar, S., Varghese, V., Fatmi, M. R., and Chikaraisi, M. (2023) A Joint Model for Activity Time, Travel Mode, Travel Companion and Destination. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-13.
- Niu, Z., Hu, X., Fatmi, M. R., Qi, S., Wu, D., and An, S. (2023). Modeling the Demand for Shared Parking: An Artificial Neural Network Modeling Technique. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-13.
- Khaddar, S., and Fatmi, M. R. (2023). Jointly Modeling Preferences for Telecommuting and Teleshopping After the Pandemic. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 102ndAnnual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-13.
- Khaddar, S., Nikodym, T., & Fatmi, M. (2022). Are Telecommuters and Non-telecommuters’ Daily Time-use Behaviour Different? An Episode Level Model for Non-mandatory activities. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-12.
- Khaddar, S, Varghese, V., Fatmi, M., & Chikaraisi, M. (2022) A Joint Model for Activity Time, Travel Mode, Travel Companion and Destination. Accepted in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-12.
- Khaddar, S., and Fatmi, M. (2022). Modeling Teleshopping and Telecommuting Preferences in the Post-pandemic Era. Accepted in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 102nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-12.
- Saha, B., and Fatmi, M. (2022). Assessing the Impacts of Work-from-home and E-learning Using Agent-based Transport Simulation Model. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of 2022 Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Conference & Exhibition, Edmonton, Canada, October 2-5, 2022. Number of Pages: 13.
- Orvin, M., and Fatmi, M. (2022). COVID-19 and Housing Price: Modeling Housing Price within an Integrated Urban Modeling Framework. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference of Canadian Transport Research Forum. June 12-15. Number of Pages: 10.
- Zakeri, M., & Fatmi, M. R. (2022). A Deep Learning Model to Infer the Trip Purposes using GPS Trip Records of Dockless Bike-sharing Service Users. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 9-13. Number of Pages: 20
- Orvin, M.*, Enam, A., and Fatmi, M. (2022). Modeling Residential Mobility and Location Choice, and their Interdependencies: A Reason-based Competing Hazard and Latent Segmentation-based Logit Model. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 9-13. Number of Pages: 27
- Khalil, M.A.*, and Fatmi, M. (2022). Modeling Daily In-home Activities using Machine Learning Techniques. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 9-13. Number of Pages: 19
- Khaddar, S., Saxena, S., Fatmi, M., and Pinjari, AR. (2022). Modeling Activity Engagement, Duration, and Destination Location at an Episode Level: A Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value Model with Ordered Preferences (MDCEV-OP). Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 9-13. Number of Pages: 19
- Hossain, S. and Fatmi, M.R. (2022). Modeling Preferences towards Adjusting Vehicle Fleet in an Autonomous Vehicle Future: Assessing Historical Deposition Effects. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 9-13. Number of Pages: 16
- Orvin, M., and Fatmi, M. (2022). A Reason-based Location Search Model using Machine Learning Technique. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 9-13. Number of Pages: 22.
- Fatmi, M., Orvin, M., and Thirkell, C. (2022). Modeling the Future of Work-from-home Post COVID-19. Published in the fully peer-reviewed proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). January 9-13. Number of Pages: 18.
- Khaddar, S., Winters, M. and Fatmi, M.R. (2021). Travel and Health: Modeling the Direct and Indirect Effects of Activity Engagement, Attitudes, Mobility Tool, and Built Environment Characteristics on Health. Published at the 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Fredericton, Canada, May 17-18. Number of Pages: 10.
- Hossain, S. and Fatmi, M.R. (2021). Modeling Vehicle Transaction Decisions in an Autonomous Vehicle Future. Published at the 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Fredericton, Canada, May 17-18. Number of Pages: 9.
- Munia, S., and Fatmi, M. (2021). Modeling the Effects of Transit Preferential Treatments on the Transit Reliability Index. Published at 100th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 5-29.
- Khaddar, S., Fatmi, M., and Winters, M. (2021). Modeling the Effects of Travel Activities, Physical Activity, and Built Environment Attributes on Subjective Well-being. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 5-29.
- Orvin, M., and Fatmi, M. (2021). Modeling Bicyclists’ Speed Using GPS Data. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 5-29.
- Orvin, M., and Fatmi, M. (2021). A Life History-oriented Approach for Modeling Residential Mobility: A Hazard-based Latent Segment Duration Model. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 5-29.
- Saha, B., Fatmi, M., and Rahman, M. (2021). Modeling Injury Severity of Unconventional Vehicle Occupants: A Hybrid of Latent Segment and Random Parameters Logit Model. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 5-29. Number of Pages: 16.
- Hossain, S. and Fatmi, M.R. (2020). Modelling the Adoption of Autonomous Vehicle as a Shared and Privately Owned Vehicle. Published at the 55th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 24-27. Number of Pages: 8.
- Munia, S. and Fatmi, M.R. (2020). Developing a Traffic Microsimulation Model to Improve Transit Service Reliability. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 55th Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 24-27. Number of Pages: 8.
- Orvin, M.M. and Fatmi, M.R. (2020). Developing Cycling Demand Models for New Zealand and Canada. Published at the 55th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 24-27. Number of Pages: 8.
- Arefin, N., Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2020). Forecasting Travel Activity Participation, Mode Choice and Vehicle Allocation: An Agent-based Tour-level Microsimulation Approach within an Integrated Urban Modeling System. Published at the 55th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Montreal, Canada, May 24-27. Number of Pages: 8.
- Orvin, M.M., Ahmed, S.D., Fatmi, M.R., and Lovegrove, G. (2020). Developing Multi-Modal Trip Generation Model: Improving ITE’s Method. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 12-16. Number of Pages: 20.
- Saha, B., Fatmi, M.R., and Rahman, M. (2020). Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Collision Frequency and Injury Severity Involving Unconventional Modes, Pedestrians, and Transit in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 12-16. Number of Pages: 20.
- Orvin, M.M., and Fatmi, M.R. (2020). Modeling the Reasons for Choosing Dockless Bike sharing Services?: Assessing the Effects of Transportation Infrastructure, Land Use, and Neighborhood Attributes. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 12-16. Number of Pages: 20.
- Fatmi, M.R., Saha, B., and Rahman, M. (2020). Modeling Pedestrian Injury Severity in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 12-16. Number of Pages: 20.
- Orvin, M.M., and Fatmi, M.R. (2019). Why Individuals Choose Dockless Bicycle-Sharing Services? Assessing The Effects of Built Environment and Land Use Attributes. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Vancouver, Canada, May 26-29. Number of Pages: 4.
- Khan N, Fatmi M, and Habib M.* (2019). Prototype Microsimulation Modeling of Vehicle Type Choice within the iTLE Urban Systems Model. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB). 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA, January 13-17. Number of Pages: 20.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2018). Modelling Injury Severity of Pedestrians in Collisions Involving Distracted Driving. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Ottawa, Canada, June 3-6, Number of Pages: 4.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2018). Microsimulation of Life-stages, Residential Mobility, and Location Choice Processes. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 7-11. Number of Pages: 20.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2017). Development of a Proto-type Integrated Urban Model: Microsimulation of Life-stage Transitions and Residential Location Transitions. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-12. Number of Pages: 22.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2017). Microsimulation of Vehicle Transaction Decisions within an Integrated Urban Modeling Framework. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 8-12. Number of Pages: 22.
- Fatmi, M.R., Chowdhury, S., and Habib, M.A.* (2016). Two-Stage Panel Model of Residential Search and Location Choice Decisions. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA, January 10-14. Number of Pages: 20.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2014). Comparing Residential Mobility in Halifax and Toronto, Canada: A Continuous Time Hazard based Duration Modeling Approach. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the CSCE, 10th International Transportation Specialty Conference, Halifax, N.S., Canada, May 28-31. Number of Pages: 14.
- Fatmi, M.R., and Habib, M.A.* (2014). Travel Behavior of Car Share Members in Halifax, Canada: Modeling Trip Purpose in Case of the Use of Car Share Services and Mode Choice in Absence of the Service. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C., U.S.A, January 12-16. Number of Pages: 17.
- Fatmi, M.R., Habib, M.A.*, and Salloum, S.A. (2014). Modeling Short-term and Long-term Responses to the Increase in Gas Price: A Latent Class Modeling Approach. Published in the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C., U.S.A, January 12-16. Number of Pages: 18.