To participate in the survey, please click on the link
Exploring the User Perception Towards Autonomous Transit Vehicles Along the Okanagan Rail Trail Corridor
Dear Kelowna/Lake Country Residents,
You are invited to participate in this transportation survey by Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi – Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan (UBCO). This study is a collaboration between the City of Kelowna, UBCO and the District of Lake Country, focusing on current and future opportunities presented by the Okanagan Rail Trail corridor. BC Transit is aware of this study but is not currently affiliated with this initiative. Other partners of this study are Lime and Rogers.
In this survey, you will be asked about your perception towards autonomous transit vehicles along the Okanagan Rail Trail Corridor.
You will also be asked about your current usage of the Rail Trail, mode choices, as well as some demographic questions.
• This survey takes around 10-12 minutes to complete.
• You can choose to withdraw from this study at any point before submitting your response.
• Participants can win one of twenty-five $20 (CAD) gift cards or one $100 (CAD) gift card. To enter the draw, respondents will be asked to provide an email address. Email addresses will only be used to complete this draw and will be permanently deleted after winners are chosen.
• If you are not a Kelowna/Lake Country resident or do not have a valid address in Kelowna/Lake Country, you will be removed from the survey and the prize draw.
• Data is not linked to the participant’s email addresses. This survey does not pose any risk other than that encountered in everyday life.
• The confidentiality of the data will be strictly maintained. The survey data will be utilized for research purposes only. The UBC-hosted version of Qualtrics administers this online questionnaire. Data will be coded and stored in a password-protected UBC server in Canada. The server is housed in a secured-locked facility at UBC.
• By completing the questionnaire, you are consenting to participate in this research.
If you have any questions or need further details please contact Dr. Mahmudur Fatmi, If you have any concerns or complaints about your rights as a research participant and/or your experiences while participating in this study, contact the Research Participant Complaint Line in the UBC Office of Research Ethics at 1-877-822-8598 or the UBC Okanagan Research Services Office at 250-807-8832 or by email ( Please reference the study number (H24-01415) when contacting the Complaint Line so the staff can better assist you.
Thank you very much!